Reducing environmental impact through more efficient operations.

Before starting a contract, we plan all cleaning activities and the frequency that will be done throughout the month so that we can obtain maximum productivity and efficiency. For each client, we create a specific work plan where all tasks are streamlined as much as possible.

Correct dilution reduces water consumption.

Correct dilution is the best way to avoid wasting chemical products and rationalize the use of water. In addition to reducing environmental impact and generating financial savings, it ensures that the diluted product is ready for use within the specifications necessary to carry out cleaning without causing damage to the surfaces where it will be applied, helping to preserve the customer´s facilities.

Conscientious disposal of used uniforms and PPE is the biggest challenge.

One of the objectives of our Do Well Stay Well ESG program is the disposal of this material. It is a huge challenge to dispose of, decharacterize and dispose of this material every month.

We hope that by the end of 2025 we will be able to correctly dispose of 25% of this material.

Waste centers reduce cleaning costs and increase environmental awareness

Cleaning bins is an activity that consumes a lot of time for the cleaning team. By eliminating individual bins and introducing Centralized Waste Stations placed at strategic points in each area or department, in addition to a huge saving of time and resources, it will encourage employees to consciously consider which container an item will be disposed of in, helping to stimulate raising awareness of environmental issues in the workplace.

Limpidus, in partnership with its customers and building management, can help with the waste separation and recycling process. Adopt the “Zero Basket” policy as everyone benefits from it.

Conscientious disposal of used drums and sprayers is one of the requirements for obtaining any environmental certification.

One of the 47 requirements of our GreenClean Program is the control of plastic drums and sprayers that are discarded every month and their final destination, to prevent them from being discarded in common trash.

App "CleanCheck"

Our exclusive "CLEANCHECK" app allows real-time monitoring of the execution of services for our customers. Through this system, we are able to know whether the cleaning activities foreseen in each employee´s work plan are being carried out on time, enabling a complete analysis of the operation and the immediate adoption of corrective and improvement measures.

A systemic view

Limpidus is a market leading company, recognized for the high standard of delivery of its services. As a specialist cleaning company, we understand that each client is unique and each branch, activity and segment in which we operate has its own rules, needs, particularities and regulations. But one thing that doesn´t change is the need to maintain high standards and compliance. Our commitment to high quality standards is part of our DNA, as 100% of our base of more than 5,000 customers are private companies and our entire operation is carried out by an exclusive and dedicated network of franchisees. We are proud to be the pioneer in Brazil in cleaning franchises and have won recognition from PEGN and Serasa Experian for consecutive years as the "Best cleaning franchise in Brazil" in the corporate cleaning segment.

Nós nos orgulhamos de:

We are proud of:

| Meet your needs with the highest standard of services

| Ensure safe and healthy work environments

| Ensure labor relations in accordance with local legislation in each country where we operate

| Approval of a chain of responsible suppliers

| Seek reductions in our environmental impact whenever possible

| Reduce risks through structured processes, modern technologies and constant development of our employees.

A cleaning company with a difference.

Unique operating model · National service · Focus on services · Support from regional offices in Brazil and abroad

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