Professional cleaning and sanitation services guarantee the well-being and safety of your customers and consumers

Cleaning company for restaurants, food courts, cafeterias, industrial kitchens, etc.

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The cleanliness of bathrooms or restaurant floors is largely responsible for the image people have of the establishment. This is because many people associate cleaning restaurants with cleaning the kitchen and this can attract them or drive them away from the establishment.

Cleaning restaurants and kitchens requires special attention, as in addition to a good appearance of cleanliness, it is necessary to guarantee healthy environments, properly sanitized and free of germs and bacteria .

Inadequate cleaning also compromises the establishment´s image among its customers and can also cause serious problems with public health control and health surveillance bodies.

Therefore, when hiring a cleaning company for your restaurant or kitchen, don´t be carried away by price alone. Check the cleaning company´s experience in this segment first.

Limpidus knows this subject very well, as it has been providing cleaning services for food services and industrial kitchens for decades.

A cleaning company with a difference.

Unique operating model · National service · Focus on services · Support from regional offices in Brazil and abroad

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