People´s health and safety come first.

We use modern and appropriate products and processes to ensure safe and healthy environments, whether in daily cleaning activities or in sanitizing environments and eliminating pathogens and infectious agents.

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Among its scope of services, Limpidus offers the disinfection of environments. Typically used in clinics and laboratories and food industries, clinics and laboratories and food industries, offices, cinemas and hotels to decontaminate environments, especially after the COVID19 pandemic.

Electrostatic disinfection of environments, guarantees greater effectiveness against germs, viruses and bacteria.

Our disinfection services for internal and external environments against microorganisms and pathogens can be carried out through cold fogging or electrostatic fogging processes, with 5th generation products, which eliminate up to 99.99% of these microorganisms from surfaces. The choice for one or the other process depends on the type of environment, existing situation and desired coverage. Fogging carried out with electrostatic machines guarantees better coverage of surfaces and objects and greater efficiency of services, being recommended mainly for application in accommodation facilities, such as hotels, resorts, flats and student residences.

The difference between the cold process and the electrostatic process is that in the electrostatic process, the product mist when leaving the machine receives a positive electrical discharge, causing the particle mist to be attracted to surfaces which have a negative charge, allowing a more uniform distribution of the product and total surface coverage.

We use state-of-the-art products, with efficacy proven by technical reports and with virucidal potential for Coronavirus / MHV strain genus Beta Coronavirus, Influenzavirus and Adenovirus.

You can also hire our monitoring services. With this service, you will be able to monitor the effectiveness of the application. This effectiveness is measured through the ATP (Adenosine-Tri-Phospate) luminescence control process. ATP is considered the “fuel” of the cell, and is found in all organic material, such as blood, food, secretions, etc. In this case, we collected samples from some points on the surfaces of the environment where the application was made and measured the level of contamination. This collection is done with swabs (special cotton swabs with reagent) which, after collection, are inserted into a device called a Limnometer, which measures the level or quantity of ATP. This reading identifies the amount of organic matter (bacteria, viruses and fungi) present on the surface (measured in RLU).

A cleaning company with a difference.

Unique operating model · National service · Focus on services · Support from regional offices in Brazil and abroad

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