Limpidus Nordeste wins Parceiros Votorantim award for the 2nd time

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Limpidus Nordeste, based in Recife and managed for over 20 years by franchisee Deborah Moccio Gomes, ends of winning for the 2nd time, the Parceiros Votorantim award, a recognition given annually to suppliers of the group that stand out the most this year.

Limpidus is the cleaning service provider for Votorantim Cements in the Northeast region, for more than 15 years and standard of demands and disputes between suppliers at a national level is very high, which adds value to winning this award. According to Deborah, "there are many audits which are carried out monthly and in all of them the minimum grade is 9.45. If you score below this in any audit in a single month, you lose the chance to compete for the prize" . In total, there are 11,000 suppliers nationwide competing for this award, divided into 3 categories: Services, Materials and Inputs. 

In the SERVICES category, only 16 companies are chosen annually for all 4 regions, North, Northeast, South and Southeast.

Limpidus Nordeste won this award for the first time in 2016 and has now won again for quality and performance measured during 2019 and thus achieved  the Prize again in the BRONZE category. Votorantim's award system is very interesting.

BRONZE is given to everyone who wins the award in the first year. 

 If the supplier manages to win again the following year, receives the SILVER award and if be able to repeat the feat the following year and each consecutive year, you will receive the GOLD award annually. 

However, if you miss a year, everything starts from scratch again! In addition to the honor of being awarded, winning this award also brings benefits additional to the winner.

According to Votorantim's criteria, who receives the award BRONZE has priority in hiring the following year, if tied with another company in some quotation.

Who receives SILVER, in addition to the advantages of Bronze, receives the “Last Call for Sourcing” distinction, which is the right to be called and make one last negotiation on a quote. 

And for those who are GOLD, in addition to these advantages, they participate in the following year in the “Suppliers Steering Committee”, the supplier committee that defines the hiring rules.

To understand how the average of 9.45% reached in 2019  for the Limpidus is high, the grading criteria are based on the scale below:

High performance: Grade greater than 70% 

Low performance: Grade equal to or less than 70%

Critical performance: Rating below 70% out of 2 consecutive reviews.  On the third low note consecutive year in the same year the supplier is eliminated.
